Transforming Purpose into Meaningful Action

If you have ever stood at the ocean’s edge, there is an awe at the raw power as the wave crashes at your feet. On a windy day, you can feel the raw power of the wind as it sweeps through the sky, pushing through the trees. What if we could find that kind of power, or energy in ourselves, and channel it into purpose and meaningful action? This blog is about transforming a clear vision into a powerful passion and driving it toward a positive impact.

So, you have your New Year goals ready. The work begins. How do you transform the list into meaningful action? You have a vision of what you want to accomplish. Whatever it is, hold it close, and follow it with determination.

Passion is a force that can drive you forward, your raw power. It is the idea in your mind and the rush of adrenaline you get when you get out of bed in the morning. It is a belief in yourself that you can do this! You will now take this desire and shape it into action. You have a big goal in hand, but to make it a reality, you will need to break the goal down into smaller steps. It is the daily choices and pursuits that bring you closer to the goal. If you have not broken down your goals into these smaller steps, check out S.M.A.R.T. goals, an excellent way to define your goal.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, to sink into the quicksand of cynicism and inaction. Tomorrow is a new day! Keep moving forward.

Finding Your “Why”

The first step to meaningful action is finding your “why.” What lights your passion? What is your burning desire? What kind of future do you dream of creating? When you connect with your core values and motivations, your actions become infused with purpose and direction.

“Power is the facility or capacity to act, the strength and potency to accomplish something. It is a vital energy to make choices and decisions. It also includes the capacity to overcome deeply embedded habits and to cultivate higher, more effective ones.”  

Inner Power
Stephen R Covey

Meaningful action is an essential part of this vision. I will repeat often that continuous improvement, incrementally, is vital. Having a plan, taking small steps each day, and staying focused on the outcome. It does not matter what your goal is, but it matters that you continue to work toward the goal daily. You may want to start a business, go back to school, write a book, or just change a habit. It is important to ensure that your actions have significance and impact.

“Inner power is the quiet force within you that knows when to act and when to move and gives you the strength to do so.”

-Tae Yun Kim

Every time you choose to act with purpose, you create a ripple of positive change. These ripples may seem small at first, but as you move forward, you will gain momentum. Slowly, a wave of personal transformation will build and swell, just like an ocean wave.


Momentum, to build to a place that we cannot stop. Persistence promotes consistency and enables us to overcome obstacles we may face. Life is so daily; it can be a boring or an exciting journey.

“Thoughts mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire are powerful things.”

Napoleon Hill (1883-1970)
  • Focus on your strengths and passions, do not be someone that you are not. Use your authenticity and use your unique skills and talents to reach your dreams.
  • Be patient and persistent, change takes time. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Keep moving, one step at a time.
  • Celebrate your successes. Take the time to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. This will help you stay motivated and keep going.
  • Have fun! Enjoy the journey.

The journey is about moving forward toward the vision. There will be challenges and setbacks, moments that you might feel doubt. You will want to keep focused on the vision and push through the emotions and self-doubt. Tomorrow is another day if this day does not go as planned.


A positive outcome of following your smaller steps, continuously improving incrementally, is this will build a positive habit of moving forward. Once you develop the habit of moving forward with your dreams, you build a skill that is transferable to other endeavors.

As humans, we have the same raw power of the ocean and the wind. Just look around at what humanity has accomplished: architecture, science, art, literature, health care, technology. People with dreams and goals built it all. Whether your dreams are small or on a grand scale, the path to get there is the same. Persistence, determination, and finding your inner power will help drive you to achievement.

Recommended Reading

Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor E. Frankl

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, by Simon Sinek

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey


Photo by Matthew Kerslake on Unsplash – Lion

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash – Wave on coastline

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