Visualization – Focus on Personal Growth

See the possibilities!

“Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint, and begin to build.”

Robert Collier

How to use visualization to achieve your goals

I ran long-distance races when I was younger, 6.2 miles, 13.1 miles, and mini triathlons, which are events with competitions in swimming, running, and biking. I started running because I was my terminally ill mother’s caretaker and a single mother of a 7-year-old boy. Running was my release from all the stress; it helped. I learned to use visualization to see myself finishing the races. I mentally rehearsed the races and firmly believe that running is as much a mental challenge as a physical one.

The reason my mother is in this story is that there was a professor at UCLA who was teaching visualization to cancer patients. My mother would have never attended any type of session, but I went to see if it could help. This session changed my life in profound ways. I learned to harness my mental pictures for success.

See It to Be It

How can visualization be used to fuel personal growth?

We all have dreams, aspirations, and that little voice whispering about the person we long to become. But how do we make desires into reality? Visualization is a tool to help you format those dreams into something tangible.

Visualization is the act and practice of creating a mental image of your goals. By imagining how a particular event will look, you can work backward and create smaller steps to help you make that goal a reality.

Devin Swan, ClickUp

Mind Mapping

How to use visualization to help your brain map a vision of your future.

Create vivid images of your goals. Picture yourself accomplishing your goal, whether landing that dream job, conquering a personal challenge, or mastering a new skill. Engage all of your senses. See the success, hear the praise, feel the satisfaction. The more detailed and realistic your mental picture, the stronger the message to your subconscious and the higher your motivation. It is like a vision board inside of your head.

Visualize the process. You want to see the entire process, not just the end goal. In the case of running, visualize stretching to prepare your body for the run. Engage your senses, feel the cool air when you step out of the house, feel your feet hitting the ground, and see yourself pushing through the minor aches and pains that come with running, a pull in your side, a cramp in your leg. See yourself finishing the set goal. When I was actually running a 13-mile race, I would visualize the food that would be waiting at the end of the race. By the end of the race, I was starving. Whatever helps you get to your goal.

Engage your emotions. The deeper the emotional connection you have with your visualization, the more profound its effect will be. Feel the joy of success and the determination to meet the challenge.

Be specific and realistic. The more detailed your goals and visions, the easier it is for your mind to process them and turn them into reality.

Consistency is key. Just like building any skill, consistency is crucial. Dedicate daily time, even just five minutes, to your visualization ritual. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and see your future.

Action must follow the mental image. Visualization is a launchpad for action. Use the energy from your mental image as a springboard to fuel your journey. Create a plan of action and write the steps you will take.

Looking for extra inspiration? Create a vision board! Fill it with images, quotes, and symbols that represent your goals. Hang it somewhere you see it daily, and let it serve as a visual reminder of the beautiful masterpiece you’re co-creating with your mind.

Ready to share your visualization journey?

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Recommended Reading & Videos

Visualization. Imagining – and Achieving – Your Goals, by the Mind Tool Content Team

What are vision boards & how to create one for manifestation, by Elizabeth Perry

10 Visualization Techniques to Achieve Your Goals, by Devin Swan

Resolutions: Life Planning Tools, Hopes, Plans, and Dreams, by Linda L. Pilcher

How to Use Visualization to Help You Achieve Goals, by Tanya Dalton (YouTube)


Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash – Bright Light – Energy

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