Well-Being 101 – Well-Being Blueprint: The Art of Well-Being

Do you wake up in the morning ready to jump out of bed, feeling rested and ready to tackle the day? Do you have enough energy to get through the day? Are aspects of your body, appearance, habits, or behaviors limiting or holding you back from who you want to be? When it comes toContinue reading “Well-Being 101 – Well-Being Blueprint: The Art of Well-Being”

Designing Tomorrow – The Path to Intentional Living

Who am I Today? Who do I want to be Tomorrow? “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates Our life is much like a puzzle. We put the pieces together to form our authentic selves. This blog is a summary of intentional living topics discussed in April. Intentionally living your life is about deliberateContinue reading “Designing Tomorrow – The Path to Intentional Living”

Intentional Living – The Soul and Spirituality

We have discussed setting goals for nutrition, exercise, sleep, social engagement, and play. We will focus on setting intentional goals for our spirituality and nourishing our souls. Intentional living is a deliberate action that aligns with our values and priorities. It is about taking responsibility for our daily activities. Well, let’s get intentional. Deep questionsContinue reading “Intentional Living – The Soul and Spirituality”

Intentional Living – How to Add Play and Joy to Your Day!

Play is a conduit for joy. It is about how we connect socially, learn, and experience our environment. When we play, our brains form essential neural connections. Connects that promote empathy, creativity, and cooperation. Play is not a requirement or an obligation. The definition of play is to engage in an activity for enjoyment andContinue reading “Intentional Living – How to Add Play and Joy to Your Day!”

Intentional Living – Sleep, Rest, and Restoring Our Energy

Sleep is a foundation for everything else we do in life; it is a basic human need. Intentional rest is vital for overall well-being, not just for this week, but for your lifetime. Not getting enough sleep or sleep disruptions can have long-term effects on your health. Research shows that getting enough quality sleep atContinue reading “Intentional Living – Sleep, Rest, and Restoring Our Energy”

Intentional Living – Navigating Challenges and Setbacks

Intentional living is a deliberate way of living your life. It does not make life perfect, nor will it wipe out all your challenges. Intentional living equips individuals with the tools to face life’s challenges with resilience and learned optimism. Studies show that those who practice intentionality are more effective at bouncing back from setbacksContinue reading “Intentional Living – Navigating Challenges and Setbacks”

Intentional Living – Nourishing Your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs)

Intentionality is about making deliberate choices in how you live your life. It is about owning your time and actions and developing a purposeful plan. Whether building better relationships, prioritizing health, or becoming a lifelong learner, intentional living leads to positive outcomes. It is a lifestyle that encourages you to identify your priorities and valuesContinue reading “Intentional Living – Nourishing Your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs)”

Intentional Living – Nourishing Your Social Connections and Skills

Human interaction is vital to our well-being. Social engagement can boost our mood and make us happy. We do not live in isolation; we need people to survive, thrive, innovate, and find purpose in our existence. Intentional socializing is not about quantity; it is about quality. As we set our intentional social goals, one ofContinue reading “Intentional Living – Nourishing Your Social Connections and Skills”

Intentional Living – Nourishing Your Mind and Body

My daily chant is Eat-Move-Sleep. These are my top priorities each and every day. Remember, we have 168 hours in a week. Do you want to spend time on the things that matter? Health matters. It is the foundation of well-being and finding life satisfaction. Yes, other areas of our day are just as important.Continue reading “Intentional Living – Nourishing Your Mind and Body”

Flourishing: An Intentional Living Journey

Happy April! We made it through the winter. Now, it is time to ensure we are on our journey to flourishing. This month will be about intentional living; as we design the life we want; we must be mindful of how we live each day. Being intentional means having the ability to see specific resultsContinue reading “Flourishing: An Intentional Living Journey”